After a long time, today I had to work really hard...
My normal routine on any office day is like...
1. Reach office by about 10.30..
2. Check mail .. not office mail , but yahoo and gmail,orkut and then office mail
3.Take all important news sites - google news,rediff,expressindia,indiatimes... open all
the interesting news links in tab pages in firefox.
4. By then time would be 11.00-- all my team mates would have reached by then and we go
for our first coffee session. If my PL is late, we almost invariably go for the next
coffee session as soon as he comes... And,as usual the coffee session talk centres around the
latest babes in oracle, ( as members of the fairer sex are low in our group, diversion to this
topic is almost natural..can't really help it ) ,latest movies etc..
5. Then I start my work. 11.15- 1.50 peak time in workI'm not commenting anything
about the work..but I'd say that there are good as well as bad parts for that.
6. 1.50 PM - Go for lunch..I've shifted to this late lunch timing as this suits me better..
7. 2.30 - 4.15 -- post lunch session is not usually great for thinking..good for reading..so
concentrates on most reviews/reading kindof jobs during this time..
8. 4.15 -- coffee session.. relaxing break..
9. 4.30/4.45 - 8.00 -- Perhaps my most productive time..I do most of my work in this stretch
10. Wail time till 8/8.30 , do work/browse/chat depending on the mood of the day / work load.
( all the day, I'd be signed in to yahoo messenger/gtalk and will take a welcome break if somebody pings me ... and ofcourse,I'd switch to my gmail screen atleast once in half an hour to see the latest mails..--if it comes )
But really, I'm sort of bored by this routine...When I came out of the campus, I had felt a sort of relief ...I was excited about the new life. But now, I miss that life a little bit..Bunking classes,coming at 8.15 for 8.00 AM classes..Nightout studies for sessionals, copying assignments mercilessly, begging for free hour to the teacher as soon as he enters the class, roaming around the campus, movie shows in hostel common rooms, sarcastic comments, cultural fests,wondering by seeing the 'politricks @NITC' --( I would dedicate another post to my perceptions about politics )...and many more... that was good and bad.. I miss some of those
..and I'm relieved that I no longer have to confront some of those..
Like that, this life too has good aspects and bad ones...It moves on and on.. u can't roll back the
time...I'm trying to find out / conjure up something interesting to this monotonous software life..
Le'mme see.. I need a good diversion.
Feeling a bit sleepy..blogging off for the day..