December - 7 ... 64 years ago this day changed the course of world history.. On Dec- 7 , 1941 Japanese launched what can be described as one of the most daring attacks in history on the US naval base at Pearl Harbour, Hawii islands.. Some years back it was brought back again to celluloid by the Ben-Affleck movie by the same name..
Its not a day of celebration. Its a day of remembrance. The message that America learned from this is "Never to neglect a strong nation on racial backgrounds".. True to its spirit, America recovered out of this catastrophe.. As admiral Yamamoto who led this attack said..""I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.".. Americans made Japanese learn this... Both of them carry very relevant messages to the world...
Hope nothing like this happens in the nuclear age....
you a ww II freak?... if yes why didn't you say so in college itself?
Nothing of that sort..Didnt get anything else to post..so put up this.
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